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Resultados da busca para "partida amistosa"

a) Traduções Técnicas português para inglês


Outras denominações em Português exibição ; partida de exibição


A friendly match in electronic games refers to a non-competitive match or game mode played between friends or acquaintances without the pressure of a formal competition or tournament. Friendly matches can be played online or offline, and are typically less intense and more relaxed than competitive matches. Friendly matches can be used for practice, experimentation with new strategies or characters, or simply for socializing and having fun with others who share a common interest in the game. Unlike competitive matches, there are usually no rewards or penalties for the outcome of a friendly match.

Frases traduzidas contendo "partida amistosa"

In this study all the young players were assessed before and after the first half of a 45-minute friendly soccer match, not training sessions, and the study was conducted in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, where the average temperature is normally higher than that found in Greece 20°x16°, where the other study was conducted.

Neste estudo todos os jovens jogadores foram avaliados antes e depois do primeiro tempo de uma partida amistosa de futebol de 45 minutos de duração, não treinamentos, e o estudo foi realizado na cidade de São Paulo, Brasil onde a temperatura média costuma ser superior a encontrada na Grécia 20°X16°, local onde foi realizado o outro estudo.