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Resultados da busca para "interne"

a) Traduções técnicas inglês para português


Sinônimos Inglês intern; house officer;

OBS: House officer is used in the UK; while intern in the USA

- First-year residents are referred to as interns. After that, they are known as resident doctors, resident physicians, or simply “residents.”.;

Exemplos de tradução

Frases traduzidas contendo "interne"

To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report demonstrating internal tissue colonization of plant fruits by members of the Archaea domain.

Au meilleur de notre connaissance, il s’agit du premier rapport qui démontre la colonisation du tissu interne de plantes à fruits par des membres du domaine des archées.

The analysis is based on a case study and a quantitative number of incidents in the period of one year were collected making possible to see the point of such purpose the trend of attacks on interne t Banking customers.

Como a análise se baseou em um estudo de caso, coletou-se um número quantitativo de incidentes no período de um ano permitindo entender neste escopo a tendência de ataques aos clientes de serviços Internet Banking.

The research objective was to seek expressions that reveal a symbolic experience through bodily practices offered to interne in a psychiatric institution as college women.

O objetivo da pesquisa foi buscar expressões que revelassem uma experiência simbólica através de práticas corporais oferecidas tanto aos internos de uma instituição psiquiátrica como para mulheres universitárias.

However, although the territory was completely interconnected, the supply of the captaincy by an internal production of food was very rudimental because of the small productivity and of the huge distance between the villages.

Malgré ces liaisons, l’approvisionement de la Capitanie, fait par la production interne des comestibles, était réalisé d’une façon très rudimentaire, en raison de la basse productivité e des grandes distances entre les villes.

The stem has small wings, cortical and medullary parenchyma, and internal phloem.

La tige porte de petites ailes, un parenchyme médullaire et cortical, et du phloème interne.

Au lieu d'une structure permanente de guerre interne. un appareil pour la prévention et la gestion des crises.

No lugar de uma estrutura permanente de guerra interna, um aparato de prevenção e gerenciamento de crises.

...This thesis aims to build and present a theory of judicial decision as an act of an argumentative-pragmatic speech. Does that mean that the decision is the result of an internal dialogue that occurs between the parties of the lawsuit and the judge and is conditioned by the controversial issues and the arguments, and an external dialogue that takes place between (a) the judge and the parties; (b) all othe...

...ise à construire et présenter une théorie de la décision judiciaire comme un acte d'un discours argumentatif-pragmatique. Est-ce que cela veut dire que la décision est le résultat d'un dialogue interne qui se produit entre les parties du procès et le juge et est conditionnée par les questions controversées et les arguments, et un dialogue externe qui a lieu entre (a) le juge et les parties; (b) tous les autres acteurs impliqués dans les processus qui décident des questions similaires; (c) la...