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Resultados da busca para "aparelho de ultrassonografia"

a) Traduções Técnicas português para inglês


Outras denominações em Português aparelho de ultrassom; equipamento de ultrassom


An ultrasound machine is a medical device used to create real-time images of the internal structures of the body using high-frequency sound waves. It consists of a console, a transducer, and a monitor. The console controls the settings and functions of the ultrasound machine, while the transducer emits and receives the sound waves. The transducer is placed on the skin or inserted into a body cavity to capture the echoes of the sound waves bouncing back from the tissues. These echoes are processed and displayed as visual images on the monitor, allowing healthcare professionals to assess and diagnose various medical conditions. Ultrasound machines are widely used in medical settings for diagnostic purposes in areas such as obstetrics, cardiology, radiology, and many others.

Frases traduzidas contendo "aparelho de ultrassonografia"

...r was measured when they were submitted to treatments, transfer to flushing cages, cover, transfer to maternity and weaning. In addition, fat thickness and loin depth were measured with the ultrasound device, at the time they were submitted to the treatments, in the transference to the flushing cages, at 90 days of gestation, in the transfer to the maternity and weaning. The treatments influenced daily piglet weight gain and...

...s tratamentos, na transferência às gaiolas de flushing, à cobertura, na transferência para a maternidade e à desmama. Além disso, foram medidas espessura de toucinho e profundidade de lombo com aparelho de ultrassonografia. no momento em que foram submetidas aos tratamentos, na transferência às gaiolas de flushing, aos 90 dias de gestação, na transferência para a maternidade e à desmama. Os tratamentos influenciaram ganho de peso diário de leitões e peso à desmama na linha materna AGPIC10,0. Na fase de flush...