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Resultados da busca para "zona morta do controle"

a) Traduções Técnicas português para inglês



Porcentagem da entrada do controle que será considerada como movimento nulo.Uma alta zona morta evitará a detecção de movimentos acidentais em controles gastos.


The controller dead zone refers to a region around the center position of a joystick or control stick on a game controller or similar input device where no input is registered. In other words, when you move the joystick within this zone, it doesn't produce any response in the game or software. This feature is designed to prevent small, unintentional movements from affecting the input and provides better control precision, especially in games that require fine adjustments. The dead zone helps reduce sensitivity in the center position, allowing for smoother and more accurate control when the joystick is slightly off-center.

Frases traduzidas contendo "zona morta do controle"