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Resultados da busca para "treatment-naive"

a) Traduções técnicas inglês para português


Outras denominações em Português sem tratamento anterior, não exposto a tratamento prévio


"Treatment-naive" refers to individuals who have not yet received any form of medical treatment for a specific condition or disease. In medical contexts, it is often used to describe patients who are newly diagnosed and have not undergone any prior therapeutic interventions. The term is commonly employed in clinical trials, medical research, and healthcare discussions to differentiate individuals who are starting treatment for the first time from those who have previously received medical interventions for the same condition.

Banco de Glossários (traduções não verificadas)
Área Inglês Português Qualidade
Téc/GeralTreatment-näivevirgem de tratamento

Frases traduzidas contendo "treatment-naive"

...rmore, it also aims to analyze the need of hospitalization shortly afterwards the first doctor visit. The study was based on HIV- patients’ medical records, who were legal age (18 years -ahead) and treatment-naive. Seventy three patients were included. The majority was male, median-age was 35 years old, all of them resident in Rio de Janeiro and referred to the service through primary healthcare centers triag...

...a ambulatorial. O estudo baseou-se em registros médicos de pacientes com diagnóstico de HIV, maiores de 18 anos e virgens de tratamento. Foram atendidos 73 pacientes, dos quais a maioria é composta do sexo masculino, mediana de 35 anos de idade, residente no Rio de Janeiro, encaminhados da unidade básica de saúde. Avaliada a mediana de CD4 cujo valor foi de 3,9 células/mm³ e carga viral 8,501 cópias. Dez pacientes necessitaram de internação hospitalar, dos quais três evoluíram para óbito (neurotox...