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Resultados da busca para "sucrose cushion"

a) Traduções técnicas inglês para português



A sucrose cushion is a technique used in laboratory settings, specifically in biochemistry and molecular biology, to isolate or purify particles, such as viruses or cellular organelles, from a sample.

A sucrose cushion involves layering a high concentration sucrose solution at the bottom of a centrifuge tube. The sample containing the particles of interest is then carefully layered on top of the sucrose cushion. When the tube is centrifuged, the particles in the sample are sedimented through the sucrose cushion, which acts as a density gradient, allowing for separation and purification.

The sucrose cushion technique takes advantage of the different densities of the particles and their buoyancy in the sucrose solution. The particles with densities similar to the sucrose cushion will float at their respective positions within the cushion, while other components of the sample will be separated and can be removed. This allows for the enrichment and isolation of specific particles or organelles for further analysis or experimentation.

Exemplos de tradução

The recombinant proteins were partially purified by 20% sucrose cushion, characterized by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and Western-Blot analysis.

As proteínas recombinantes obtidas foram pré-purificadas por colchão de sacarose 20%, caracterizadas por eletroforese em gel de poliacrilamida desnaturante (SDS-PAGE) e Western-Blot

Frases traduzidas contendo "sucrose cushion"

ELISA tests were performed by coating half of the microtiter plates with 5 µg/mL of viral antigen supernatant of MA-104infected culture cells that had been ultracentrifuged onto a 30% sucrose cushion and the other half with the same concentration of control antigen solution the supernatant of ultracentrifuged non-infected cells.

Os testes de ELISA foram realizados sensibilizando-se metade das microplacas de 96 poços com 5 µg/mL de antígeno viral sobrenadante de culturas de células MA-104 infectadas ultracentrifugado em camada de sacarose, e a outra metade com a mesma concentração de antígeno controle sobrenadante de células não infectadas ultracentrifugado em camada de sacarose.