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Resultados da busca para "reflexo de Moro"

a) Traduções Técnicas português para inglês



Moro's reflex, also known as the startle reflex or embrace reflex, is a normal reflex in infants that occurs in response to sudden changes in stimulation. When an infant experiences a sudden change, such as a loud noise or being dropped, they will extend their arms, legs, and fingers before quickly bringing them back in towards their body, as if trying to grab onto something or embrace someone. This reflex usually disappears around 4-6 months of age. The Moro reflex is important for assessing the neurological development of infants and can be an indication of certain neurological or developmental disorders if it persists beyond the expected age range.

Frases traduzidas contendo "reflexo de Moro"

Among the main reflexes evaluated during the well-child care consultation we can mention: the Moro Reflex, Palmar Grip, suction, Babinski, Plantar Extension, gait and cervical tonic.

Dentre os principais reflexos avaliados durante a consulta de puericultura podemos citar: o reflexo de Moro. Preensão Palmar, sucção, Babinski, Extensão Plantar, marcha e tônico-cervical.