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Resultados da busca para "pertussis toxin"

a) Traduções técnicas inglês para português



Exotoxina do tipo A-B, com a porção B especifica para receptores existentes na célula alvo, para o interior das quais é endocitada. A porção A é a toxina propriamente dita: tem actividade de enzima ADP-ribosil transferase, aumentando o AMPc, um importante mediador intracelular cujo efeito nas células da mucosas bronquica é a produção muito acelerada de muco. (http://dicionario.sensa...)


A-B exotoxin produced by Bordetella pertussis that ADP-ribosylates a Gi protein thus locking it in the GDP-bound inactive state. Results in enhanced adenylate cyclase activity. (

Frases traduzidas contendo "pertussis toxin"

In this context, our objective was to evaluate whether early intervention with Vit D3 was able to block neuroinflammation in EAE. Encephalomyelitis was induced in female C57BL / 6 mice by immunization with MOG (myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein) associated with Freund's Complete Adjuvant and two doses of pertussis toxin.

Neste contexto, nosso objetivo foi avaliar se a intervenção precoce com Vit D3 é capaz de bloquear a neuroinflamação em um modelo experimental de EM. Para isto, camundongos C57BL/6 fêmeas foram imunizados com MOG (glicoproteína da mielina do oligodendrócito) associada ao Adjuvante Completo de Freund e tratadas com Vit D3 por via intraperitoneal.

The list includes influenza virus antigen (haemagglutinin and neuraminidase antigens) , Bordetella pertussis antigen (pertussis toxin, filamentous haemagglutinin and pertactin) , human papilloma virus (HPV) antigen (glycoprotein) , Helicobacterpylori antigen (capsula polysaccharides of serogrup A, B, C, Y and W-1,5) , tetanus toxoid, diphtheria antigen (diphtheria toxoid) , pneumococcal antigen (Streptococcus pnemoniae type 3 capsular polysaccharide) , tuberculosis antigen, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) antigen (GP-1,0, GP-1,0, plδ, Tat, Gag, Pol and Env) , cholera antigen (cholera toxin B subunit) , staphylococcal antigen (staphylococcal enterotoxin B) , shigella antigen (shigella polysaccharides) , vesicular stomatitis virus antigen (vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein) , cytomegalovirus (CMV) antigen,

The immunotherapeutic and prophylactic vaccine according to claim 3, wherein the pathogenic bacteria derived antigen is selected from a group consisting of Bordetella pertussis antigen (pertussis toxin, filamentous hemagglutinin and pertactin) , tetanus toxoid, diphtheria antigen (diphtheria toxoid) , Helicobacter pylori antigen (capsula polysaccharides of serogrup A, B, C, Y and W-1,5) , pneumococcal antigen (Streptococcus pnemoniae type 3 capsular polysaccharide) , tuberculosis antigen, cholera antigen (cholera toxin B subunit) , staphylococcal antigen

The list includes influenza virus antigen (haemagglutinin and neuraminidase antigens) , Bordetella pertussis antigen (pertussis toxin, filamentous haemagglutinin and pertactin) , human papilloma virus (HPV) antigen (glycoprotein) , Helicobacterpylori antigen (capsula polysaccharides of serogrup A, B, C, Y and W-1,5) , tetanus toxoid, diphtheria antigen (diphtheria toxoid) , pneumococcal antigen (Streptococcus pnemoniae type 3 capsular polysaccharide) , tuberculosis antigen, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) antigen (GP-1,0, GP-1,0, plδ, Tat, Gag, Pol and Env) , cholera antigen (cholera toxin B subunit) , staphylococcal antigen (staphylococcal enterotoxin B) , shigella antigen (shigella polysaccharides) , vesicular stomatitis virus antigen (vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein) , cytomegalovirus (CMV) antigen,

The immunotherapeutic and prophylactic vaccine according to claim 3, wherein the pathogenic bacteria derived antigen is selected from a group consisting of Bordetella pertussis antigen (pertussis toxin, filamentous hemagglutinin and pertactin) , tetanus toxoid, diphtheria antigen (diphtheria toxoid) , Helicobacter pylori antigen (capsula polysaccharides of serogrup A, B, C, Y and W-1,5) , pneumococcal antigen (Streptococcus pnemoniae type 3 capsular polysaccharide) , tuberculosis antigen, cholera antigen (cholera toxin B subunit) , staphylococcal antigen

...ODQ; and methylene blue) and calcium chloride (CaCl2) significantly blocked the antinociceptive effect caused by diphenyl diselenide when assessed on the formalin test. In contrast, i.t. injection of pertussis toxin. an inactivator of Gi/0 protein, did not antagonize the antinociceptive action caused by diphenyl diselenide in the formalin test. Diphenyl diselenide increased nociceptive threshold in mechanical al...

...loqueador de canais de potássio de alta condutância ativados por cálcio), mas não foi significativamente revertida pelo pré-tratamento dos animais com glibenclamida (bloqueador de canais de K+ dependente de ATP) e com o inativador da proteína Gi/o (toxina pertussis). O tratamento oral com disseleneto de difenila reduziu a alodínia mecânica induzida pela ligadura parcial de nervo ciático (dor neuropática) e pela injeção de FCA (dor inflamatória crônica) e preveniu a hiperalgesia térmica ind...

...c. Controls were injected in the same sites with equal quantities of phosphate buffer solution emulsified in CFA without the peptides sequence. Each mouse treated with P2 was also treated with 2,0 ng pertussis toxin in 1,0 ?L PBS i.p. at the days 0 and 2 post-immunisation. Controls were injected i.p. with equal volumes of PBS and pertussis toxin free of the peptides sequence. Motor strength, posture and coordina...

... injetados por via subcutânea, em quatro locais na região lombar. Para os controles, foi utilizado solução tamponada de fosfato (PBS), emulsionada em AFC desprovida da sequência 58,81 de peptídeos P2, injetada no mesmo local, na mesma quantidade e forma. Cada camundongo tratado com P2 recebeu 2,0 ng de toxina pertussis em 1,0 ?L de PBS intraperitonealmente (i.p.) nos dias 0 e 2 pós-imunização (p.i.). No grupo controle, volumes iguais de PBS e toxina pertussis foram administrados pela mesma via sem o p...