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Resultados da busca para "jogo amistoso"

a) Traduções Técnicas português para inglês


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A friendly match in electronic games refers to a non-competitive match or game mode played between friends or acquaintances without the pressure of a formal competition or tournament. Friendly matches can be played online or offline, and are typically less intense and more relaxed than competitive matches. Friendly matches can be used for practice, experimentation with new strategies or characters, or simply for socializing and having fun with others who share a common interest in the game. Unlike competitive matches, there are usually no rewards or penalties for the outcome of a friendly match.

Frases traduzidas contendo "jogo amistoso"

They were also submitted to an assessment of the functional capacity of the lower limbs through a Hop Test protocol and an evaluation of the level of postural stability through the Biodex Stability System Biodex, Inc., Shirley, New York, before and immediately after each halftime of a friendly field soccer game lasting 45 minutes.

Foram, também, submetidos a avaliação da capacidade funcional dos membros inferiores através de um protocolo de Hop Test e avaliação do nível de estabilidade postural através do Biodex Stability System Biodex, Inc., Shirley, Nova Iorque, antes e imediatamente após a um tempo de jogo amistoso de futebol de campo com duração de 45 minutos.