Estaca cilíndrica, oca, cravada com auxílio de uma bomba de sucção, que gera um diferencial de pressão entre a parte interna da estaca e o meio externo (submetido a pressão hidrostática), o que empurra a estaca para baixo, afundando-a no solo. Permitem um maior controle das cargas suportadas. (
A suction pile is a thin walled steel cylinder, closed at least one longitudinal end, which is placed on the sea bed with a lower end and which penetrates the sub sea soil with the aid of suction (under-pressure) created within the cylinder. The creation of the suction can be with the aid of a suction source, such as a pump, that is mounted on, close to or at a distance (e.g. above the water surface, e.g. at a vessel) from the suction pile. (
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