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Resultados da busca para "cabo de fibra optica"

a) Traduções Técnicas português para inglês


Exemplos de tradução

Light then passes out of the spectrometer housing ( 1,1 ) and onto a light conduit ( 1,8 ), such as a fiber optic cable.

b) Traduções gerais português para inglês

(Expressão Fixa)

Exemplos de tradução

Light then passes out of the spectrometer housing ( 1,1 ) and onto a light conduit ( 1,8 ), such as a fiber optic cable.

Banco de Glossários (traduções não verificadas)
Área Inglês Português Qualidade
Téc/Geraloptical fiber cablecabo de fibra óptica

Frases traduzidas contendo "cabo de fibra optica"

Light then passes out of the spectrometer housing ( 1,1 ) and onto a light conduit ( 1,8 ), such as a fiber optic cable.

Light then passes out of the spectrometer housing ( 1,1 ) and onto a light conduit ( 1,8 ), such as a fiber optic cable.

The mirror ( 1,9 B) then reflects light, as indicated conceptually by the ray path ( 2,5 B), out of the spectroscope housing ( 1,1 ) and onto a light conduit ( 1,8 B) such as a fiber optic cable.

The mirror ( 1,9 ) reflects light, as indicated conceptually by the ray path ( 2,5 ), out of the spectroscope housing ( 1,1 ) and into a light guide ( 1,8 ) such as a fiber optic cable.

The mirror ( 1,9 ) reflects light, as indicated conceptually by the ray path ( 2,5 ), out of the spectroscope housing ( 1,1 ) and into a light guide ( 1,8 ) such as a fiber optic cable.