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Resultados da busca para "bank securities"

a) Traduções técnicas inglês para português



Bank securities refer to financial instruments or assets that banks and financial institutions hold as investments or for regulatory and liquidity purposes. These securities are typically classified as part of a bank's investment portfolio. They serve various functions, including generating income, managing risk, and meeting regulatory requirements.

Frases traduzidas contendo "bank securities"

IncSECi,t: Income from bank securities i at period t, scaled by total assets at the beginning of period t;

RTVMi,t : resultado com títulos e valores mobiliários do banco i, no período t, escalonado pelos ativos totais do início do período t;

SECi,t-1: Portfolio balance of bank securities i at period t-1, scaled by total assets at the beginning of period t-1;

TVMi,t-1: saldo da carteira de títulos e valores mobiliários do banco i, no período t-1, escalonado pelos ativos totais do início do período t-1;