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Resultados da busca para "auto idle"

a) Traduções técnicas inglês para português



Função que reduz a rotação do motor para marcha lenta quando não utilizado nenhum atuador durante cinco segundos.


"auto idle" is a feature in engines, particularly in vehicles and heavy machinery, that automatically adjusts the engine's idle speed based on various parameters like load and demand. When the engine detects no load or minimal demand, it lowers the idle speed to conserve fuel, reduce emissions, and minimize engine wear during idle conditions. The auto idle function improves fuel efficiency and reduces environmental impact during idle periods, making it beneficial for applications where the engine operates intermittently or spends significant time in idle states.


Recurso presente em alguns microprocessadores Intel de duplo clock em que o clock interno pode ser reduzido até a frequência de clock externa enquanto o processador aguarda por dados da memória, retomando a velocidade total assim que os dados chegarem.


"auto idle" in computer processors is a power-saving feature that allows the processor to automatically reduce its operating frequency and voltage when it is not under heavy load or when there are no active tasks to process. This feature helps conserve energy, extend battery life in laptops, and reduce power consumption and heat generation in desktop computers and servers. The processor dynamically adjusts its frequency and voltage based on workload, achieving a balance between performance and energy efficiency.

Frases traduzidas contendo "auto idle"