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Resultados da busca para "amortecedor traseiro"

a) Traduções Técnicas português para inglês



A rear shock absorber, also known as a rear shock, is a device used to absorb shocks or vibrations that are transmitted through the rear suspension of a vehicle. It is typically used in motorcycles, bicycles, and other vehicles that have a rear suspension system. The rear shock absorber is designed to dampen the motion of the rear wheel and prevent the vehicle from bouncing or vibrating excessively. It works by using hydraulic fluid or air pressure to compress and expand a piston or a series of pistons, which absorb the energy of the shock and dissipate it as heat. The rear shock absorber plays a critical role in ensuring a smooth and comfortable ride for the rider.

Banco de Glossários (traduções não verificadas)
Área Inglês Português Qualidade
MecânicaRear shock absorberamortecedor traseiro

Frases traduzidas contendo "amortecedor traseiro"

Termos relacionados contendo "amortecedor traseiro"