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Resultados da busca para "Reconhecimento Óptico de Caracteres"

a) Traduções Técnicas português para inglês


Sigla em inglês OCR (Optical Character Recognition)


the identification of printed characters using photoelectric devices and computer software.

Exemplos de tradução

(1) a menu-driven telephonic input system, (2) a human-assisted, voice-based telephonic input system (not shown), (3) a voice-based, optionally telephonic, input system which processes reservations by voice-recognition means (not shown), (4) a human-assisted fax-based reservation input form (not shown), (5) a fax-based reservation input form processed by Optical Character Recognition (not shown), (6) an electronic-mail and/or paper-mail input means (not shown) optionally human-assisted and/or assisted by Optical Character Recognition means, (7) a paper-based means employing a human registrar (not shown) who will later enter the reservation into the database 12 via human interface device 16, (8) an optionally network-connected electronic patient care/medical records system (or other personnel records system, such as may be provided by a school, an employer, a government, and/or a military service) optionally capable of automatically selecting and/or reserving one or more vaccines (and/or providing data to computing system 14 to enable system 14 to optionally automatically select and/or reserve one or more vaccines, such as by employing a suitably operable database 12 and/or other software hosted on system 14) for one or more personnel, optionally based on individual personnel data contained in the medical (or other) records system, and/or the like.

Banco de Glossários (traduções não verificadas)
Área Inglês Português Qualidade
Informáticaoptical character recognitionreconhecimento óptico de caracteres
Informáticaoptical character recognition linelinha de reconhecimento óptico de caracteres

Frases traduzidas contendo "Reconhecimento Óptico de Caracteres"

(1) a menu-driven telephonic input system, (2) a human-assisted, voice-based telephonic input system (not shown), (3) a voice-based, optionally telephonic, input system which processes reservations by voice-recognition means (not shown), (4) a human-assisted fax-based reservation input form (not shown), (5) a fax-based reservation input form processed by optical character recognition (not shown), (6) an electronic-mail and/or paper-mail input means (not shown) optionally human-assisted and/or assisted by optical character recognition means, (7) a paper-based means employing a human registrar (not shown) who will later enter the reservation into the database 12 via human interface device 16, (8) an optionally network-connected electronic patient care/medical records system (or other personnel records system, such as may be provided by a school, an employer, a government, and/or a military service) optionally capable of automatically selecting and/or reserving one or more vaccines (and/or providing data to computing system 14 to enable system 14 to optionally automatically select and/or reserve one or more vaccines, such as by employing a suitably operable database 12 and/or other software hosted on system 14) for one or more personnel, optionally based on individual personnel data contained in the medical (or other) records system, and/or the like.

In this embodiment, the client devices 102,104, 1,0, and 1,4 or the servers 1,0 and 1,2 can use optical-character recognition to convert the images to text data.

In this embodiment, the client devices 102,104, 1,0, and 1,4 or the servers 1,0 and 1,2 can use optical-character recognition to convert the images to text data.