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Resultados da busca para "team-kill"

a) Traduções técnicas inglês para português



"team killing" refers to the intentional act of a player killing or harming members of their own team. This behavior is generally considered harmful, disruptive, and against the rules of fair play in most games.


Sinônimos Inglês team-killing;

Sigla em inglês TK (team-kill)


Ato de matar um colega de equipe. Pode ocorrer acidentalmente durante trocas de tiro ou intencionalmente (por vingança ou para prevenir comportamento tóxico futuro de um jogador que agiu de má fé em algum momento).


"team-kill" or "TK" refers to the intentional act of killing or harming members of one's own team in online multiplayer games. It is considered disruptive, unsportsmanlike, and against the rules of fair play. Team-killing can negatively impact the gaming experience for both the team members and the overall integrity of the game. Game developers and administrators usually implement penalties to discourage this behavior. Players are encouraged to show good sportsmanship, follow the rules, and respect their teammates in online gaming to maintain a positive gaming environment.

Frases traduzidas contendo "team-kill"