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Resultados da busca para "Technical Director"

a) Traduções técnicas inglês para português



The person responsible for the execution of the technical elements of a production.

Exemplos de tradução

The data for the study, were collected through primary sources (unstructured interview, questionnaire for the company s Technical Director. on-site observation) and secondary (company s legal documents and publications relevant to research).

Quanto aos dados para a realização do estudo, estes foram coletados através de fontes primárias (entrevista não-estruturada; questionário aplicado para o Diretor Técnico da empresa; observação in loco) e secundárias (documentos legais da empresa e diversas publicações pertinentes à pesquisa).


a Technical Director is a key role in the game development team responsible for overseeing the technical aspects of the project. They are a senior-level professional who ensures that the technical vision of the game is executed effectively. The Technical Director collaborates with other departments, such as art, design, and programming, to coordinate and integrate various technical components. They provide guidance on technical solutions, optimization, and performance to ensure the game runs smoothly across different platforms. In summary, the Technical Director is a senior team member responsible for guiding the technical direction and implementation of the game during the development process.

Frases traduzidas contendo "Technical Director"

The data for the study, were collected through primary sources (unstructured interview, questionnaire for the company s Technical Director. on-site observation) and secondary (company s legal documents and publications relevant to research).

Quanto aos dados para a realização do estudo, estes foram coletados através de fontes primárias (entrevista não-estruturada; questionário aplicado para o Diretor Técnico da empresa; observação in loco) e secundárias (documentos legais da empresa e diversas publicações pertinentes à pesquisa).

A third questionnaire devoted to the characterization of the Hospital Pharmacy was applied only to the Technical Director of this service.

Um terceiro questionário destinado à caracterização da Farmácia Hospitalar foi aplicado apenas à diretora técnica.