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Resultados da busca para "team play"

a) Traduções técnicas inglês para português



Team play in online games refers to playing together with other players on the same team, with the goal of working together to achieve a common objective. This could involve completing a quest, defeating an enemy team, or achieving a high score. Effective team play requires good communication, coordination, and cooperation between team members. Players must be able to work together and adapt to each other's strengths and weaknesses. It also requires a willingness to put the team's needs before individual goals.

Sinônimos Inglês teamplay;

OBS: Muitos jogadores utilizam a expressão em inglês; exemplo: "o team play funcionava porque era a forma mais eficiente de jogar o jogo"


'Team play' refers to the cooperative effort of a group of players to achieve a common goal or objective within the game. This could include completing a quest or mission, winning a match, or advancing to the next level. Teamwork in games involves players working together to complement each other's strengths and weaknesses, communicate effectively, and coordinate their actions. It requires a willingness to put the needs of the team before individual goals and to support and encourage each other.

Frases traduzidas contendo "team play"

...ign activities in this context is strongly influenced by production planning, and the early consideration of legal constraints and client requirements, and the degree of the integration in the design team play very important roles in the reduction of unnecessary design iteration. Finally, the main conceptual contribution of this research work is concerned with understanding the design process with regards ...

...ciamento das atividades de projeto neste contexto é fortemente influenciado pelo planejamento da produção e que a antecipação na consideração de restrições legais e de requisitos do cliente, bem como a integração da equipe multidisciplinar de projeto ao longo do processo podem contribuir à redução de iterações desnecessárias em projeto. O trabalho apresentou como contribuições conceituais o melhor entendimento do processo de projeto com relação às interdependências em projeto, alé...