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Resultados da busca para "anterior hip replacement"

a) Traduções técnicas inglês para português


Sinônimos Inglês anterior hip arthroplasty;


Anterior hip replacement is a surgical procedure used to replace a damaged or diseased hip joint. It involves accessing the hip joint through the front of the body (anterior approach) as opposed to the traditional posterior or lateral approaches. The anterior approach allows the surgeon to access the hip joint by going between muscles rather than detaching or cutting them, potentially resulting in less muscle damage and a potentially quicker recovery. The damaged hip joint is removed and replaced with an artificial hip implant, consisting of a metal ball attached to a stem that fits into the thigh bone (femur) and a socket implanted into the pelvis. Anterior hip replacement aims to alleviate pain, restore hip function, and improve the patient's quality of life.

Frases traduzidas contendo "anterior hip replacement"